Monday, November 19, 2012

Paper Turn In and Test

Today in Human Geo class we had to turn in our big 200 point paper. I accidentally put the font as size 14 when it was suppose to be size 12. Other than that I think that I did a great job on it. Hopefully I got an A on it. After we turned our papers in we had to take the World Leaders Test. I think that I did pretty good on it. Hopefully I got an A on that also. By the time we finished our test, it was basically the end of class. That is all that we were able to accomplish in Human Geo class today.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Human Geography class today

Today in Human Geo class all we did was go over the blog that we had to do yesterday. That was on when each of the countries gained their independence from who they were originally with. Also we did other facts about them. Like what countries were also apart of their empire and other facts like that We spent the whole entire class period doing that. That was all we really did in human Geo class today.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Countries And Facts


Mexico became independent on September 16 1810
In the 1500's Mexico was just another kingdom apart of the Spanish Empire. That includes some places in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Oceanic's.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia became independent on May 20 1927. After Muhammad's death the Muslims looked to expand for land. They were first part of the Middle Eastern Empire which include obviously most Middle Eastern Countries.
Location of United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The sun never set on the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has had many revolts and has had many governments and royal families overthrown, they haven’t actually been ruled by another country. They are an island nation located Northeast of Europe, and have ruled many other countries, but they have never been ruled themselves.


Brazil Got its independence in 1822. Before their independence they had 3 centuries of Portuguese rule. Yes they were subjects of Portugal. In the April 1500, the Portuguese arrive in South America and they claimed Brazil along with other lands. Sugar  was their main export. They started to expand west in the 16th century. Also during this time sugar exports weren't selling any more, so they started to find gold. The Spanish had to fight to ensure that the Portuguese did not steal their land.


on April 1 1979 Iran gained their independence. Iran is the home of most of the worlds largest and oldest civilizations ever known. since they stayed independent,they were never art of another colony however, they were defeated by Alexander the great


Germany gained their independence On January 18, 1871 Otto Van Bismarck  the president of Prussia, unified separate states in Germany as on nation state. However, they never really needed to gain independence as a whole. After world war 2, Germany was watched very toughly. Therefore, like Iran Germany never was part of another country. Never really subjected to another country. They were split between the East and West.


They were able to get their independence on July 5th 1811. They gained their independence from Gran Colombia. Colombia was a part of the empire that they had. They were subjected to Spain. They were ruled by the Benevolent military strong man.


Afghanistan declared independence from the United Kingdom on August 19th, 1919. Ahmad Shah Durrani found the tribes of early Afghanistan in 1747. Before they became Independent they were a commonwealth to the United Kingdom. Afghanistan is in an area called the Middle East. They are also very hard to conquer by an outside power .



France was always a independent country and was never ruled by anyone ells. They were always an independent country and not associated with others. They also didn't really try to conquer land . French revolution July 14 1789.


India Gained their independence form the United Kingdom on August 19, 1947 just after World War II. Before they became independent they ruled by the British and were part of the British Empire. It was once said the British Empire was so big that the sun couldn't set on it. India is a country placed to the north of the Indian Ocean and Southeast of Afghanistan. They were one that did not have to go through a war for their independence. They did that by just refusing not to be ruled and did not follow their rules.

United States

Declared independence on July 4, 1776
From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.


Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948
Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.


China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.
China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Test Review

Today in human Geo class we got our tests back. I didn't do to well on it though. I could tell all of the people and which country they lead, but when it came down to the facts about them I guess I just didn't study hard enough. I hope I will do better on the next quiz or test we take. After we got our tests back and we reviewed. After that it was time to go. That is basically all we did in human Geo class today.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Class Today

Today in Human Geo class we had to take a test. I wasn't very well prepared for it and I din't even know that we were going to have one today. SO I don't think I Did my best. Also Mary had a shadow. I'm hoping I at least did better then the shadow on the test though. After that we just took notes for the rest of the class. That is basically all we did in human geo class today

Friday, November 9, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Political Leaders Facts

Enrique Peña Nieto-
  • Recently elected in 2012
  • Believes mexico needs to expand and fix their economy to create more job opportunities
Abdullah of Saudia Arabia-
  • Implemented a government scholars program that send young men and women to western universities for undergraduate and postgraduate studies
  • He laid down a $37-billion programme of new spending including new jobless benefits, education and housing subsidies, debt write-offs, and a new sports channel.
Angela Merkel-
  • During her second term approval plummeted
  • Joined Christians Democratic Union Party
Bejamoumin Netanyahu-
  • Refuses to pressure trading partners
  • Joined Israel defense forces
  • Activists for women rights
  • Pointed provincial Governor
Hamad Karzai-
  • Can communicate effectively with English speaking countries
  • Became dominant political figure
  • Has had 4 attempts of being assassination
  • Talahbin was in charge before him
Hu Jinita-
  • Made China economics very powerful
  • He dismissed many political leaders just a little after he was elected
François Hollande-
  • Member of social party
  • Got natonal assembly seat in 1988
Pranab Mukherjee-
  • Said he would protect defend and preserve constitution 
  • Has been in the political career for over 6 decades
Hugo Chavez-
  • Insulted the U.S. President, George W. Bush, and challenged him to a fist fight
  • Sold oil to Cuba
David Cameron-
  • Head of conservation party
  • Became the head of Policy co-ordination during the 2005 campaign 
Dilma Rousseff-
  • Was the first women in office
  • First women to become chief and staff
  • In her early  20's she tried to overthrow the government.S She was captured and tortured in the process
Barrack Obama

Coup detat