Monday, January 14, 2013

Class Participation

I think that I should get a 77 on class participation. I think that because I didn't interact that much. i raised m hand a couple of times. I also gave it that because i would pay attention and answer the questions that were directed at me.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Papua New Guniea

Today in class we looked up i the fact book on facts of Papua new Guinea. 125,00 people in Papua new Guinea. There net migration is 0. the import more oil then they export. They on produce 30,000 barrels of oil a year. 57.3% of them are able to read and write. They have a GDP of 8.9%. That is 12 in the world. Only 13% of their population. The world just hit 50% in urban civilization. So must of the place do not have any towns our anything like that. To be drafted to the military you only have to be 16 years of age. But their army is very small. They do not really need a big army because they do not really have any enemies. No one really wants to take over Papua New Guinea. Surprisingly they have around 2.4 million cellphones. That is pretty good for a place that is not very technologically advanced. Their unemployment rate is 1.9%. That 9th in the world. The U.S. probably never got that low in any point of their history.

Guns, Germs, and Steel

"Guns, Germs, and Steel' by: Jared Diamond was a best selling book. This book has a documentary on it. This book was awarded the Pulitzer prize.The book explains how Eurasian civilization have survive and conquered others. He tries to argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences. The big question of the story was why do we have more technology then they do. The answer to that question would be because we were geographically lucky. We were able to have and get domesticated animals. We also had many grains that we could use for food. The only thing that they were able to get was really Sago. That does not have much protein that they need. So if they had more things to use like animals then they would be able to advance technologically like us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

I think Mr.Schick chose this guy because he is a professor in Geography. He also has many other fields that he studies  in. He has written man books for example "How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed". He also wrote a book called "Guns, Germs, and Steel" (The Fates of Human Society) He is also a professor at UCLA and a scientist. He was born in Boston. He is a very good researcher. He was able to get into Harvard. He has a PHD in physiology and geography. He has gone to Papa New Guinea to study ecology and Ornithology.