Friday, September 28, 2012

God Grew Tired Of Us

Today we still continued to watch the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us". We got to see how the Sudanies act in the U.S. They are now very good and comfortable in the U.S. John is trying to tell everyone not to go blow off all your money. They still need to send some of their to Sudan so they can support their family's. Some of them are not listening and spending their money on cars and fancy clothing and all other unnecessary items. This is really frustrating John. Also as you can tell they all have jobs and they are 7 years into this experiment type thing the they are doing. Some of them are attempting to go to college for more education.They find that hard though considering they have up to 3 jobs. So they find it hard to fit enough time to go to college and work 3 jobs. That is why some of them made the decision to stop trying to go to college and continue there jobs that they have.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today in class we continued to watch the video about the Sudanies. They were still have a hard time and were starving but they got to safety. Then the United States chose a couple of people to take back to the U.S and they could start a life there. The U.S would support them for 3 months and would give them food, a apartment and some information about the technology there. The Sudanies had no clue what anything was because they had never dealt with technological. They were so confused at first but then they started to get use to doing it. They learned how to cook, use a toilet make items using a stove. They also didn't know about any types of precooked food like chips. They all said that their country and family was depending on them to bring back more goods for them after they were there for a while. That is basically all we did in Human Geography class today.


Today in class we started off by reviewing the test we took Monday. It was fairly easy and only a couple were a little bit challenging. I ended up getting a good grade on the test which is also good. Then we started to watch a video about the Sudanies. The war was a really tough time for them. Kids from ages up to 10 or 11 had to travel across the boarder by them self to get to safety. They had to figure out a sort of family they were going to have. Then they would take care of each other and help them out on the trip across the boarder. They had to cross through the deserts where there was lack of food and water. Once they finally got to freedom they were starving. Some people say they want to go back now but they cant in case of another war that occurs. Then they would have to make that hard brutal life threatening trip back across the boarder just to get to safety again. So that sums up what we were able to accomplish today in class.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Second Sudanes Civil War

In the beginning of class we had to take our test. It wasn't that hard accept for a couple of questions i didn't know. Then once everyone was done the test we tried to watch the movie about the Sudanes war. The sound wouldn't work and work and we wasted a lot of time trying to get it to work. So then we stopped trying and started to look up facts about the Sudanes second civil war. I learned that t was a war against the government and their people. Also that it occurred 1983 - 2005.  It was a very deadly war because around 2 million people died during this war. They finally came to a solution and created a peace treaty and that is how the war ended. Even though we didn't get to see the video i learned a lot about the Sudanes second civil war and how it was ended.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today in class we started off finishing the power points we started. My group did Nigeria and we learned a lot about them. One main thing we learned was they were a developing country not a developed country. We knew that because most people did not live to an old age. Most males lived to around 48 years old. Also they die a lot because have and spread HIV's/AIDS. Also they were part of Africa and some countries do not have good environments. For example they don't always have good clean water to drink and diseases are spread around them. Then in the second part of class we started to present the projects. Some of the countries that were presented was Nigeria (which was my group) United States, and Italy. One group was not able to present because we ran out of time in class. That is what we did in class today.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Population Growth

Today in human geography class we went over a power point about our population. today there is about 7 billion people on Earth right now. About 33 years ago there was under 3 billion people on Earth. Our planet is rapidly growing in the population. We also learned that we got the 7 billion people on Earth because per second there is a 2.4 person increase on Earth. So every second 2.4 more people are on Earth. We learned that 90% of population growth takes in the developing places which are Africa, South and East Asia and Latin America. Also the U.S.'s Net migration is 3.62 people. So every one person that leaves the U.S. about 4 more enter it. But we are not the highest in that. A lot of people think we are because all of the Mexicans that migrate illegally but not that many more try to now because its a lot harder now then it was back then. The last thing we learned was Total Fertility Rate. This is the average number of children a women has or gave birth to. For the U.S. we have a little bit more than 2 (2.06) TFR. So the average women has 2 kids in the U.S. but right after the civil wars it was a lot higher. It was more around 5 children. That was because the economy was good then and people could afford it but now the economy is not s good so not as many women are having a lot of kids. That is what I learned in human geography class today.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fridays Class

Friday in class we mostly just went over all the facts or at least most of them from the video. We talked about how different today's world is then from back then. Like how advance are technology has gotten. For example Facebook would be the 3rd largest country if it was one. 20 years ago there wasn't even internet. That shows how fast Facebook grew. Also we talked about that it took 3 years for the Ipod to too reach 50 million users. That is amazing how that is because the radio took 30 years. We also found out that there are about 600 tweets sent in one second. That shows how good our technology is and how many people use it. One of the last things the video showed is how fast our world is moving. It is advancing more and more every day and soon it will be 20 times more advance then it is today. That is what we did in class on Friday.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Video Facts

Today in class first we started off finishing answering the last of the questions on the CIA Factbook. Then we found out that most of the people in my class blogs were not working correctly. After that we started to watch the video about the facts about are planet and the people on it. I learned a lot from that video. For example in a couple of years china will have the country with the most people speaking English. Its weird because you would obviously expect us to be the ones to speak the most English. I guess that is because there are a lot more people in China then us. I also learned that 50 million tweets are sent every day. That shows that people use twitter to much then they should. Also if facebook was a country it would be the 3 largest behind China and India. Those to facts also show that we are using the internet and all the social networks to much. So as you can see there are some facts that are very amazing about our planet.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Factbook Questions

1. What is the population of the United States?
A: 313,874,465
2. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
A: China, India, U.S., Indonesia, Brazil
3. What is the population of Pakistan?
A: 190,292,129
4. What kind of government does the United States have?
A: Democracy
5. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
A: 95%
6. What is the largest country in the world by area?
A: Russia
7. What country has the third greatest number of airports?
A: Mexico
8. What country has the greatest number of exports?
A:  China
9. What country exports more oil than any other?
A: Saudi Arabia
10. What country imports more oil than any other?
A: United States
11. What country consumes more oil than any other?
A: United States
12. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?
A: Yes
13. What is GDP?
A: Gross Domestic Products
14. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
A: Liechtenstein 141,100
15. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
A: No
16. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?
A: Africa
17. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV's/AIDS can be found
in which continent?
A: Africa
18. What other country is in the top ten?
A: India
19. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?
A: 18
20. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
A: No China is
21, What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
A: 23.9%
22. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
A: 76.5
23. What is Net Mgration Rate?
A: difference of immigrants an emigrants
24. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
A: No
25. What is the current population of the entire planet?
A: 7,021,836,029

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Website Evaluating

Website 1: Yes because it is coming from the CIA website which is what the website is about. The CIA is there seeing what is happening so it is a primary website
Website 2: Yes because it has the correct information that comes from the book A Message to Garcia. Elbert Hubber wrote it so it was coming from a primary source
Website 3: No because they said that this it is not the original copy it is a backup so it cant be a primary source because its not coming from the original place.
Website 4: Yes because it is coming from NASA which is the place who came up with the information so it is a primary source
Website 5: No because it is coming from someone who has an opinion of Obama not a person that actually knows Obama or Obama but just a person that has an opinion about him
Website 6: Yes because its written b someone who has been around New York and herd the news from people to get the information. Since they were there personally then it is considered a primary source.
Website 7: No because this is also an opinion. The person might be saying things that aren't actually true so it is not a primary source. If Obama actually did say that stuff then it would be a primary source
Website 8: Yes Wikipedia can be a primary source if the person who posted it was there. In this case it was since it was a person who posted The Washington Times .
Website 9: Yes this is a primary source because Its Mr. Schick website and he is posting things that is happening and he was there.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Learning about websites

Today in class we learned about if a website is true and has correct information or not. I learned that Wikipedia is one of the best websites to get your information from. That is because it has a large variety of information. Also it is very up to date and the information is reliable. One bad thing is people can post anything on it but it is constantly checked. So if anyone posts anything wrong it will be fixed very quickly. We also talked about how to tell if it is a good website. For example if the website doesn't have an email or a way to contact them then it could be fake information. Also if the website isn't sponsored by a reputable organization then it could also be false. Also you can tell by who published it so if you have never heard or not sure if it is a good publisher than don't use it. So i learned you can never trust every website that comes up first on the list.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay 3

  • The first objective I would do is keep up on my work in all my classes to maintain good grade throughout my years in John Carroll.
  • My second objective is to get involved in a variety extracurricular activities to have a well rounded experience at John Carroll
  • My third objective is to to take harder classes to challenge myself more so i will be prepared for college.
  • My fourth objective is to take courses that will allow me to direct me to the path of my college major.
  • My fifth and final objective would be to participate in community service that will benefit me more as a person.
These are my five objectives that i would like to accomplish in my John Carroll career and make me a better student.

Essay 2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates traveled to the future in 2012 first they would both think its changed a lot. Once the both have been here for a little while they would start thinking of things that has and hasn't changed. I think Elbert Hubbard would think that most people have not changed. They are still lazy and don't always want to do the best wok they can just like the ancient Greeks. I think That Socrates would start to use his Socratic Method. He would use it on people around the town only different subjects for example (saying that he knows about the subjects) politics. I also would think that Socrates would think that the subjects he would use the Socratic Method on have gotten a lot more complicated. In my opinion that is how i think Elbert Hubbard and Socrates would think and act if they traveled to the future

Essay 1

The Greeks used the word arete a lot. The word arete means a person that has character or in another word it means excellence. Socrates and the ancient Greeks showed this a lot in ancient Greek. He showed this because he wanted people to have morals (doing the right thing). Socrates also showed this because he was willing to stand up for what he thought was right (Socratic Method) and took the consequences for it. That is showing character because it means doing the right thing and that was what Socrates was doing. So because of that he was forced to drink the Hemlock and died very quickly and painful. So this was how Socrates was able to show arete.