Thursday, September 13, 2012

Video Facts

Today in class first we started off finishing answering the last of the questions on the CIA Factbook. Then we found out that most of the people in my class blogs were not working correctly. After that we started to watch the video about the facts about are planet and the people on it. I learned a lot from that video. For example in a couple of years china will have the country with the most people speaking English. Its weird because you would obviously expect us to be the ones to speak the most English. I guess that is because there are a lot more people in China then us. I also learned that 50 million tweets are sent every day. That shows that people use twitter to much then they should. Also if facebook was a country it would be the 3 largest behind China and India. Those to facts also show that we are using the internet and all the social networks to much. So as you can see there are some facts that are very amazing about our planet.

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