Sunday, October 28, 2012

Political Geography

Mexico-Federal Republic       

Enrique Peña Nieto

China- Communist
 President Hu Jintao

India- Federal Republic
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

Afganistan- Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai

Iran- Theocratic Republic
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Israel- Parliamentary Pemocracy
President Shimon Peres Prim Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

Germany- Federal Republic
President Joachim Gauck
Chansaler- Angela Merkel

A man, clean shaven, with short straight dark brown swept back hair wearing a suit jacket, white shirt and blue tie

United Kingdom- Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron
Queen Elizabeth 

France- Republic
President François Hollande

Official portrait of Dilma Rousseff

Brazil- Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

Venezula -Federal Republic
President Hugo Chávez

Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.jpg

Saudi Arabia- Monarchy
King Abdullah ben Abdullah aziz

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Human Geo Class

Today in class our class was kind of small. A lot of people were scared of the bomb threat so they did not show up for school. The people that were there including me were very brave people while the others were at home scared hiding in their cover on their bed. So while they were at home we discussed and made questions that could go on the test. So now we have a little head start on them. So in the long run it was a good idea to go to school today. We discussed a lot of questions that could go on the tests. For example what is the oldest monotheistic religion? The answer to that question would be Judaism. That is basically what we did in Human Geo class and im happy i went so now i know some of the questions that are going to be on the test.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test Questions

1.) Name three cultural characteristics.
Language, Religion, Ethnic Heritage

2.) English is the language of _________.

3.) Who were the first people to discover America?
Native Americans

4.) ________ can link or divide a region

5.) When Columbus came to America they easily could over power the Native American because they had more advance weapons like __________.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Class Today

Today in class we continued to go over the blog about the 5 key religions. We spent part of the time reviewing Christianity but then we went over Islam and got a speech from Kishan about Hinduism. We learned a lot about Islam. One thing that really surprised me was that they pray 5 times a day everyday. No matter what you are doing at the time you have to stop and pray. To pray the sit down and face the direction of Mecca. Then they put their heads on the floor and say their prayers. If you are in school at the time you would usually just do the prayer as a class. Also their big central person of the religion would be Muhammad. Then after we were done discussing Islam Kishan gave us a speech about Hinduism. He said that the have one god but he is reincarnated into different gods. So in a was they are both monotheistic and polytheistic. It is kinda hard to understand that though. This is what we were able to accomplish in Human geography class.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Power Point and Blog Discussion

Today in Human Geo class we continued looking at the culture power point. I learned that religion can be a big dispute that counties have against themselves. People say if you don't belive in m religion then you are weird or things like that. Then people start to argue which religion is right and then that can lead to bigger things. So it ends up being a big mess and it can split countries if a lot of people are fighting over that one thing.  It can also unite people. They think that having the same religious beliefs is a very good thing. After we looked at the power point we discussed the blog we did during class Friday. We talked mostly about Christianity. I learned that their holy book is not the bible but it is the new Testament. We also talked about how Christianity was hated in some places. People would put you in an arena with wild animals and you had to fight for your life. That didn't end up well for those people. It was not a civil way and that is why now it is good to have religious freedom in the U.S. That is what I learned in class today.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Key religions

Christianity was founded in 41 AD by Jesus Christ. He lived in Jerusalem, Israel so that is where it was founded. This religion is monotheistic because they only believe that there is one god. The holy book that Christianity uses is called the New Testament located in the Bible. The have nearly 2.2 billion followers which is around 30% of the worlds population. The central figure is Jesus and this religion is mostly practiced in the Americas now.

The Next religion is Islam or also called Muslims. It was founded by a guy named Muhammad in 632 AD in the country of Saudi Arabia. Islam is a monotheistic because they only believe in one God. There holy book is called The Qur'an.They have around 1.2 billion followers around the world. Their central figure of the religion is Allah which means "God" in Arabic. It is studied mostly Asia and Africa.

Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C. by a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. It was founded in a place called Kapilavastu. This religion is polytheistic because the are a religion that believe in many different Gods. The do have a Holy book called the Tipitaka. They have around 300 - 500 million which is not as much as Christianity or Islam. The central figure of Buddhism is the Buddha. Buddhism is mostly practiced around east Asia, Napel, and Tibet.

Hinduism was founded in northern India but wasn't founded by one single person. It was founded by an institution called Saptarishis in 1500 B.C. Hinduism has many gods so that would make them polytheistic. Hinduisms holy book is called the Veda. Hinduism has around 900 million followers. That is the third largest religion. The central figure of Hinduism is Lord Sri Krishna. Hinduism is mostly practiced in India (the 2nd largest country soon to be 1st) because that is where it originated.

The last religion was Judaism. Judaism was founded by a man named Abraham in the Middle east and around 1810 B.C. Judaism only believe in one God so they are monotheistic. The Holy book for Judaism is called the Tanakh. Judaism only has 13 - 14 million followers and they are decreasing drastically from when it was first started. Their central figure of Judaism is God. Judaism is studied around the world like U.S. or France.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cultural Geography

Today we started a new section in Human Geography. We started the section called cultural geography. We learned a lot from the power point for example cultural characteristics are part of every groups every day life. We also learned that some of these characteristics can link or divide a culture or region. Some of theses characteristics could be like language, region, or ethnic heritage. We learned about language and how it can affect the culture. For example English is the language of business. If you want to talk to an country around the world about business, then English is one of the most used language. Its not really like that because its polite to speak the other cultures language, but its because English has just become the business language. So language is a big part of each and every culture. We also found out what most people in the U.S. call soft drinks. A lot call them pop but around where we live we just call it soda. Others call all of the sodas coke which seems confusing.  This is what we learned in Human Geography class today.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power Point Presentations

Today in Human Geo class we all presented our power points. They were on Vikings, Columbus, and Native Americans. The people in the Vikings group did not do their power point so they used some other classes power point on Vikings. My group did Columbus. We presented at the end of the class so we did not really have time to finish our presentation. Some people did not really put much information on their slide though. The best power point in our class would probaly be the Native Americans. I think that because they were the only group who had a lot of information on each of their slides. Then the Columbus power point, which was mine, would be next since the Vikings group did not even do theres. The power points took up the whole class so we did not have much time to do anything else during clas. That is what we were able to accomplish in our Human Geo class today.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Test review than project

Today in the beginning of Human Geography class we started off with reviewing or test answers. I didn't do to great but I passed. In our class there was only 4 A's and there was 2 B's. But are class was the only class to have a person get a hundred percent on the test. That means they of course got all of the answers right and they also spell every word right. Then after we were done that we started our Columbus Day project. There were three groups to choose from. They were Native Americans, Vikings, and Columbus. I am in the Columbus group. All we have to do is answer eight questions. Since we didn't really have time to do much we only able to start it not finish it. But I finished my slide in class so I am done with that. That is basically every thing we did in class today.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Test and Unique Cultures

Friday in human geography we took a test on the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us". We were aloud to use our blog during the test. The blog didn't really help me because everything I wrote about was unfortunately  none of the questions on the test. I think I did all right  but I know for sure I didn't a 100 on it but i didn't fail either. Then once we finished we were told to look up very unique cultures. My culture had a very unique tradition. For a man to marry a women he had to get a piece of bamboo and stick it under the Ladies armpit. Then he has to shoot an arrow through it. If he misses he would he beheaded. Then if they pass that test they must go and get a head. When they bring it the blood must be dried up. After that to insure the marriage the husband and the wife must both cut off their index finger. Tat is what we did in class friday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Charity Discussion

Today in class we went over the foundation websites that we found yesterday. We tied to come up with the best website that we could sponsor for our project. Are class was said to be so far the least enthusiastic about this project. A lot of them were a good match for what we were looking for. The helped support the kids in South Sudan with food and medical care. We also learned about some bad ones to use. For example Toms the shoe company. They say you buy a pair of shoes and another pair is sent to the kids who don't have any in Africa. The bad thing is that you have to spend over 80 dollars on a pair of shoes for them to do that. So you are really giving 80 dollars to them and only about half of that money is actually be spent on the kids in Africa. That is what Toms she company is not a good one to use. This is what we were able to accomplish today in class.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Foundation Searching

Today in class we searched up foundations that could be helpful that we could use to help support John from the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us". Are class was a little shorter than the other classes because the class election went over by a little. But we still had enough time to get a lot of work done. The foundations that I was basically looking at were the ones who helped support kids in Africa. The ways they could help is by helping medical care or delivering food to them. This is all to help out John's foundation. You told us that he responded back to your email about coming to the school to give us a speech to us. He said he would but we would have to pay him a lot of money that we don't really want to pay him. So that was basically all we had time to do in Human Geography class today.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finally Finished God Grew Tiered Of Us

Today in Human Geography class we finally were able to finish the movie God Grew Tiered Of Us. I personally thought it was a very good movie and was very inspiring. I thought that because the Sudanies came out of a place where they had nothing at all. Instead of just quitting and just staying with their family until they soon die, they decided to take the chance at going to the U.S. They soon realized that it was a good decision and they would hopefully be able to make enough money to support their family's back in Sudan. When it was all over Panther went back home and got married and reunited with his mother and his brother. He was also able to get his bachelor's degree and opened up a school down there. John also was able to get his bachelor's degree. They showed him reuniting with his mom. He decided he wanted to open up a medical clinic to help the sick and the injured. Finally Dan is still in the Job Court business which helps other people find jobs. He had a thought that his family was still alive and wanted to believe that. But right now as of when the movie was finished he was the only one who hasn't been able to reunite with his family. I think that it would be good to raise money but I don't think there are much ways to raise money. There are only little ways that wont help to much but if there is a good big way to raise money I think it would be a good idea.