Monday, October 1, 2012

Finally Finished God Grew Tiered Of Us

Today in Human Geography class we finally were able to finish the movie God Grew Tiered Of Us. I personally thought it was a very good movie and was very inspiring. I thought that because the Sudanies came out of a place where they had nothing at all. Instead of just quitting and just staying with their family until they soon die, they decided to take the chance at going to the U.S. They soon realized that it was a good decision and they would hopefully be able to make enough money to support their family's back in Sudan. When it was all over Panther went back home and got married and reunited with his mother and his brother. He was also able to get his bachelor's degree and opened up a school down there. John also was able to get his bachelor's degree. They showed him reuniting with his mom. He decided he wanted to open up a medical clinic to help the sick and the injured. Finally Dan is still in the Job Court business which helps other people find jobs. He had a thought that his family was still alive and wanted to believe that. But right now as of when the movie was finished he was the only one who hasn't been able to reunite with his family. I think that it would be good to raise money but I don't think there are much ways to raise money. There are only little ways that wont help to much but if there is a good big way to raise money I think it would be a good idea.

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