Friday, October 12, 2012

Key religions

Christianity was founded in 41 AD by Jesus Christ. He lived in Jerusalem, Israel so that is where it was founded. This religion is monotheistic because they only believe that there is one god. The holy book that Christianity uses is called the New Testament located in the Bible. The have nearly 2.2 billion followers which is around 30% of the worlds population. The central figure is Jesus and this religion is mostly practiced in the Americas now.

The Next religion is Islam or also called Muslims. It was founded by a guy named Muhammad in 632 AD in the country of Saudi Arabia. Islam is a monotheistic because they only believe in one God. There holy book is called The Qur'an.They have around 1.2 billion followers around the world. Their central figure of the religion is Allah which means "God" in Arabic. It is studied mostly Asia and Africa.

Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C. by a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. It was founded in a place called Kapilavastu. This religion is polytheistic because the are a religion that believe in many different Gods. The do have a Holy book called the Tipitaka. They have around 300 - 500 million which is not as much as Christianity or Islam. The central figure of Buddhism is the Buddha. Buddhism is mostly practiced around east Asia, Napel, and Tibet.

Hinduism was founded in northern India but wasn't founded by one single person. It was founded by an institution called Saptarishis in 1500 B.C. Hinduism has many gods so that would make them polytheistic. Hinduisms holy book is called the Veda. Hinduism has around 900 million followers. That is the third largest religion. The central figure of Hinduism is Lord Sri Krishna. Hinduism is mostly practiced in India (the 2nd largest country soon to be 1st) because that is where it originated.

The last religion was Judaism. Judaism was founded by a man named Abraham in the Middle east and around 1810 B.C. Judaism only believe in one God so they are monotheistic. The Holy book for Judaism is called the Tanakh. Judaism only has 13 - 14 million followers and they are decreasing drastically from when it was first started. Their central figure of Judaism is God. Judaism is studied around the world like U.S. or France.

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