Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power Point Presentations

Today in Human Geo class we all presented our power points. They were on Vikings, Columbus, and Native Americans. The people in the Vikings group did not do their power point so they used some other classes power point on Vikings. My group did Columbus. We presented at the end of the class so we did not really have time to finish our presentation. Some people did not really put much information on their slide though. The best power point in our class would probaly be the Native Americans. I think that because they were the only group who had a lot of information on each of their slides. Then the Columbus power point, which was mine, would be next since the Vikings group did not even do theres. The power points took up the whole class so we did not have much time to do anything else during clas. That is what we were able to accomplish in our Human Geo class today.

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