Monday, October 15, 2012

Power Point and Blog Discussion

Today in Human Geo class we continued looking at the culture power point. I learned that religion can be a big dispute that counties have against themselves. People say if you don't belive in m religion then you are weird or things like that. Then people start to argue which religion is right and then that can lead to bigger things. So it ends up being a big mess and it can split countries if a lot of people are fighting over that one thing.  It can also unite people. They think that having the same religious beliefs is a very good thing. After we looked at the power point we discussed the blog we did during class Friday. We talked mostly about Christianity. I learned that their holy book is not the bible but it is the new Testament. We also talked about how Christianity was hated in some places. People would put you in an arena with wild animals and you had to fight for your life. That didn't end up well for those people. It was not a civil way and that is why now it is good to have religious freedom in the U.S. That is what I learned in class today.

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